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Health Quiz on Pranayama |
Health Quiz on Pranayama – Ultimate questionnaire
This ultimate Pranayama quiz will help you
understand the true meaning of Pranayama. It consists of 20 multiple choice
questions and answers. Each question has four answer options, you must select
the correct one. Flashing green indicates the correct answer, while red is the wrong
answer. At the end of the Pranayama Quiz, your total score will
Let's start the quiz and test your knowledge of Pranayama.
Question of
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1. What is Pranayama?
2. What do you mean by PRANA and YAMA?
3. How many types of Pranayama according to Hatha Pradipika?
4. Surya Bhedana Pranayama is related with __________
5. Ujjayi Pranayama is related with __________
6. Sheetkari Pranayama is related with __________
7. Sheetli Pranayama is related with __________
8. Bhastrika Pranayama is related with __________
9. Brahmari Pranayama is related with __________
10. Murchha Pranayama is related with __________
11. Plavini Pranayama is related with __________
12. What are the three classifications of Pranayam?
13. What are the four aspects of Pranayama?
14. In which Pranayama hissing sound makes with mouth while
inhaling air and exhale only through the nostrils?
15. In which Pranayama, tongue is protrudes little outside the lips and inhale with the
tongue and slowly fill the stomach?
16. In which Pranayama breaths rapidly with a resonance
resembling a bee sound and slowly exhales with humming bee sound?
17. What is the meaning
of the word POORAKA?
18. What is the meaning of the word RECHAKA?
19. What is the meaning of the word KUMBHAKA?
20. What is the meaning
of the word BAHYA KUMBHAKA?
To learn more about Pranayama, keep reading the following
information which will certainly help you to think differently.
Is Pranayama part of Yoga?
According to the ancient history of Hinduism, there are total
eight types of Yoga viz. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana,
Dhyana and Samadhi.
This clearly shows that pranayama is a part of yoga.
What is the meaning of the word “Pranayama”
PRANAYAMA is combination of two word, “Prana” and “Yama”.
PRANA related to energy and YAMA means control i.e. control of energy or breath.
Thus, the real meaning of pranayama is the control of our body energy.
To stay alive, we have to breathe and here the breath
indicates that we are alive. Without breath there is no life. “Prana” is
related to the breath and “Yama” is to control, so controlling the breath is
nothing but Pranayama.
How Pranayama benefited us scientifically?
Pranayama involves various techniques for controlling
breathing. The main objective of Pranayama is to allow the lungs to mix oxygen
in the blood well so that the brain can obtain oxygen rich blood. When the
brain receives oxygen-rich blood, it functions well, thereby increasing its
intelligence and other body functioning abilities. Since the brain is the most
important part of our body, it is responsible for health and mindfulness.
The human nose has two nostrils but the fact that at the same
time only one works and another remains inactive. Then every four hours they
swap so that the other side begins to function and the first one relaxes. This
is also called the "nasal cycle"
When we breathe while doing Pranayama, energy travels through
the inactive nostril upwards and air flows through the active nostril downwards
automatically drawn into the lungs. This support, the mind moved to the world
of the senses. Then in another cycle, upon exhalation, the direction of the
energy travel changes, i.e. downward and promotes rejection of external
Thus, Pranayama helps to control and redirect our breathing.
We can control and redirect the inhalation and exhalation by changing the left
and right function of the nostrils. Inhaling is associated with excitement,
peace and happiness, while exhaling is associated with stress and depression.
Thus, we can control our stress, depression and anxiety.
How many types of Pranayama?
According to Hatha Pradipika yoga, there are eight types of
Pranayama to purify the respiratory system or energy passages thus purify the
entire body and realize Pranic energy.
1. Surya Bhedana Pranayama (breathing though right nostril)
2. Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious breath/ spiritualist breath)
3. Sheetkari Pranayama (Breath for cooling)
4. Sheetli Pranayama (Cooling breath)
5. Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows breath)
6. Brahmari Pranayama (Humming be breath)
7. Murchha Pranayama (Swooning or fainting breath)
8. Plavini Pranayama (Swallowing breath)
According to Gheranda Samhita, here is the list of Pranayama
1. Sahita Pranayama
2. Surya Bhedana Pranayama
3. Ujjayi Pranayama
4. Sheetli Pranayama
5. Bhastrika Pranayama
6. Bhramari Pranayama
7. Murcha Pranayama
8. Kevali Pranayama
According to Patanjali, here are the type of pranayama most
adopted by peoples.
1. Bhastrika Pranayama
2. Kapalbharti Pranayama
3. Bahya Pranayama
4. Anulom Vilom and Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate nostril
5. Brahmari Pranayama
6. Udgeet Pranayama
7. Pranav Pranayama
This ultimate Pranayama quiz is
prepared to help you understand the true meaning of Pranayama. Pranayama is practice
to control the breathing, allow oxygen to mix well in blood and thus help to
stimulate the brain. Brain after getting oxygen rich blood becomes more
energetic and helps to recover from depression, stress and anxiety. Pranayama is more helpful for respiratory and
nervous system.
This quiz on Pranayama fact can also
be used to test your knowledge about the benefits of Pranayama, how to use it
to keep you healthy.
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